Entrance Examinations

The Faculty of Humanities is responsible for amassing fundamental knowledge in the subject, but it is also a place that equips students with the ability to formulate the shape and direction of their own lives. The Faculty keenly welcomes students who want to broaden and deepen their exploration of human nature itself as well as humankind’s cultural life. We hope you can join us here in Yamaguchi where we can think, teach and learn together.

Student applications are accepted by the Department of Humanities (185 students annually). The department provides four entrance exams: the Admissions Office Examination, the Referral Examination and two general exams: first and second. In addition to these, there are entrance exams for students returning from overseas, for working adults, for self-funded international students who will not be seeking financial aid, and for transfer students who wish to enter the university from their third academic year. For more information, click on any of the links below.

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