Yamadai Humanities Alumni E-Newsletter: Old Boys and Girls Network

As of March 2009, 5,233 students had graduated from the Faculty of Humanities and the Graduate School of Humanities since the establishment of the Faculty in 1981. It’s no exaggeration to say that the education provided by the Faculty of Humanities relies on support from this network of graduates. The Faculty has an alumni association: the Koubunkai. In addition, each subject area within the Faculty has its own graduate group; these include the Sociology Alumni Group and the English Language and American & British Literature Alumni Group.


The Koubunkai is an alumni association organized around graduates of the Literature Department of the former Faculty of Literature and Science, and of the current Faculty of Humanities. It set up in 1981 deriving its name from Mt. Kounomine. The association holds a general meeting every four years and publishes the “Koubun” bulletin once a year to promote contact and friendship, with the motto “Useful ways to help your alma mater”.

The association was formed in 1981 when the Faculty of Literature and Science was split and the Faculty of Humanities was established. The purpose of the association is to promote mutual friendship among members and prosperity for the Faculty. It consists of graduates of the old Literature Department of the Faculty of Literature and Science, and those of the current Faculty of Humanities and Graduate School as full members, current students as associate members, and former and current staff of the old Literature Department, and the Faculty of Humanities as special members. The name Koubunkai “Phenix literary society” is derives from the venerated Kou-no-mine “Phenix hill“ in Yamaguchi City, and expresses the hope that graduates will soar into the future just as the phoenix or “Kou” of the name would suggest.

Koubunkai engages in the following activities to achieve its objective: It publishes the annual Koubunkai bulletin, featuring association news and notices, the thoughts and reflections of graduates, updated news of Yamaguchi and the university, introductions to the Faculty’s academic staff and seminar groups, and assorted writings from the staff. The association holds its general meeting and maintains its member register every fourth year to promote mutual contact and friendship among members. The association invites graduates working not only in the academic community, but also in public service, newspapers, broadcasting and the media, as well as in the business world to hold lectures and other events addressing trends and current affairs in modern society.

Course-Specific Alumni Groups

The Sociology Alumni Group

The Sociology Alumni Group is made up of graduates of the Faculty of Literature and Science who majored in sociology, as well as Faculty of Humanities graduates from sociology-related courses. Established in May 1978, the group now has over 30 years of history.
The Group’s head office is in Yamaguchi but it also has branches in Tokyo, Osaka, Hiroshima and Fukuoka. The group publishes newsletters, holds general meetings and reunions and sponsors celebratory events for the graduates.
Currently the group has over a thousand members who range in age from their 20s to 70s.

English Language and American & British Literature Alumni Group

This group is made up of graduates who majored in English Language and American & British Literature. The group meets every fourth year in conjunction with the general meeting of the Koubunkai. This fun social gathering is attended by graduates, former and current staff to renew old friendships. We very much hope to have all of you there.

Organizing the Homecoming Day

Since the university-wide Homecoming Day started in 2013, Faculties have contributed to the planning and great numbers of Old Boys, Old Girls, and retired staff have gathered. Register for the following “Yamadai Humanities Alumni E-Newsletter” to get all the updates.

About the Yamadai Humanities Alumni E-Newsletter

The Faculty of Humanities publishes the Yamadai Humanities Alumni E-Newsletter. The e-newsletter includes information on events related to Yamaguchi University, the Faculty of Humanities and personnel change in the staff, and news from the Faculty’s alumni association (Koubunkai).

This newsletter is directed towards graduates of Yamaguchi University’s Faculty of Humanities. For graduates who wish to receive the e-newsletter, please read the terms of use and register as follows. Any person who registers is deemed to have agreed to the “Yamadai Humanities Alumni E-Newsletter Terms and Conditions”.

How to register

Send a blank e-mail to doso-hm-join@mlex.cc.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp from the e-mail address at which you wish to receive the newsletter. Please reply to the e-mail you will receive shortly afterwards. This completes the registration process and you will then receive another mail entitled “Welcome to the Yamadai Alumni E-Newsletter!” Since this e-mail describes how to unsubscribe or change address, we recommend you save it.

Yamadai Humanities Alumni E-Newsletter Terms and Conditions

第1条 目的

Article 1 Purpose

The Yamadai Humanities Alumni E-Newsletter Terms and Conditions (hereinafter “Terms and Conditions”) shall be applied to graduates from Yamaguchi University’s Faculty of Humanities and Graduate School of the Humanities (hereinafter “Faculty”) who wish to register or are already registered for the e-newsletter that the Faculty distributes.

Article 2 Definition

  1. E-newsletter
    (1)The Faculty sends information on events related to Yamaguchi University, the Faculty and the Faculty of Humanities alumni association by such means as e-mail to PCs and mobile phones.
    (2)The Faculty provides the e- newsletter to the members at no cost.
  2. E-newsletter member
    An e-newsletter member (hereinafter “Member”) is an individual who requested the newsletter upon agreement with these terms and conditions and who is approved to join as a member by the Faculty.

Article 3 Registration of personal information

The following personal information is required to register as a member.
(1)E-mail address

Article 4 Purpose of use of personal information

The Faculty uses registered personal information for the following purposes.
(1)To send the e-newsletter.
(2)For purposes other than the above (1) with the prior consent of the Member.
Adequate security measures shall be implemented to prevent external leakage, loss, falsification and hacking of collected information, and efforts will be made to protect the personal information of users.

Article 5 Providing member information to third parties

The Faculty does not disclose registered personal information to third parties without the prior consent of the member in question. However, the Faculty may disclose information without such consent when the following applies:
(1)When disclosure is required by law.
(2)When the information is required to secure human life, body or property and obtaining consent from members is difficult.
(3)When an event occurs where urgent disclosure of the information is required and the Faculty adjudges that disclosure of the information is necessary.

Article 6 Unsubscribing from the e-newsletter and changing the registered e-mail address

  1. Members can unsubscribe from the e-newsletter as separately specified.
  2. Members can change their registered e-mail address as separately specified.

Article 7 Contacts in regard to the e-newsletter

The contact for enquiries in regard to the e-newsletter shall be the Academic Office, Faculty of Humanities, Yamaguchi University.

Article 8 Termination of the e-newsletter

  1. The Faculty shall be able to terminate the e-newsletter without prior notice to members should it decide to terminate the newsletter for operational or technical reasons.
  2. The Faculty will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by a user or third party due to the termination of provision of the e-newsletter regardless of the reason.

Article 9 Disclaimer

  1. The Faculty does not guarantee the integrity, accuracy, authenticity and availability of the e-newsletter’s content or information which members or third parties acquire via the e-newsletter.
  2. In relation to providing e-newsletters, the Faculty shall not be liable to compensate for any damages arising out of the delay or delivery failure of an e-newsletter due to a system error, information contained in the e-newsletter, or any other reasons whatsoever.

Article 10 Copyright

The copyright of the content of the e-newsletter is owned by the Faculty or a third party approved by the Faculty, and the content cannot be used beyond the scope of a user’s personal use defined in copyright law.

Article 11 Change of terms and conditions

The Faculty shall be able to change the terms and conditions without obtaining approval from members. The Faculty shall announce any changes of terms and conditions in the e-newsletter. The changes shall be deemed as approved if a member receives the e-newsletter or does not request to unsubscribe after the Faculty announces the changes.

December 18, 2013  Faculty of Humanities, Yamaguchi University