The Literary Society

The Literary Society of Yamaguchi University is an academic association made up mainly of full-time teaching staff from the Faculty of Humanities. In addition to publishing the Journal of the Literary Society of Yamaguchi University, the Society promotes the research of its members through academic lectures and other public events.

The Literary Society was established in 1949, the year that Yamaguchi University was founded as a university under post-war guidelines, by 16 academic staff coordinated by the predecessor to today’s Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Literature and Science’s Literature Department. At the end of that fiscal year (March 1950), the teaching staff of the Literature Department took the initiative of publishing the Journal of the Literary Society, a collection of academic papers. However, since its beginning, the Society has always been a flexible organization where, in addition to full-time teaching staff, others such as alumni and students were able to participate with approval from the general meeting, and this policy remains unchanged. Since its inaugural issue, the Journal of the Literary Society has been issued every year, and has chronicled the Faculty of Humanities’ inquiries into mankind for nearly 70 years now.

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